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AARST is a nonprofit, professional organization of members who are dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance of radon measurement, radon mitigation and transfer of radon information for the benefit of members, consumers and the public at large.
AARST Members are typically industry practitioners, members of academic institutions, staff of regulatory or environmental, health, energy or other governmental agencies, and other individuals interested in radon science and technology.
AARST members lead the way in creating public policy for radon risk reduction and awareness. It is with the partnership of Cancer Survivors Against Radon (CanSAR), Citizens For Radioactive Radon Reduction and other like minded stakeholder groups, that we begin to see noticeable and tangible changes in radon laws.
AARST participates in the workgroup that developed the National Radon Action Plan. With representation in Washington, DC and a Public Policy Director, AARST is closing the gap in public and policymaker perception, gaining agreement that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, and exposure can be prevented by testing and reducing radon levels in homes and public buildings.
Much of this work is done by small grassroots efforts within states and communities. For more information please visit the Public Policy pages.
AARST has played a role in the creation of national radon standards since the the early 2000s. Since then AARST leaders and countless Stakeholder volunteers participated in numerous committees in the standards creation process. The AARST Consortium was formed in the early 2000s, has its own board of directors and bylaws and is run as an independent consortium, where the standard-building process is only achieved through stakeholder consensus, public review and ANSI approval. It is with these ardent processes that American National Radon Standards are created, and thus recognized by various states and governmental agencies as approved standards of practice for radon detection, measurement, mitigation, radon resistant new construction and more. Read more on the AARST ANSI Consortium HERE.