CR3 News Magazine 2017 VOL 1: January National Radon Action Month | Page 7


New Construction Codes

Approximately 10 million homes throughout the United States have indoor radon levels exceeding the EPA Action Level of 4.0 pCi/l. Even at today’s lower annual rates of new home building, we continue to build more new homes with elevated radon levels than the total number of homes (new and existing) than we fix each year. The only way we will get on top of the growing radon-induced lung cancer rate is to stop building homes with radon levels above the EPA Action Level. Easy, inexpensive control measures that can reduce indoor radon levels can be built in during new home construction.

Simple code changes are the first step in the battle to control radon in new homes. Minnesota has taken steps to require building in radon reducing features in all new homes built in their state. Knowing that these steps do not go far enough to assure reduced radon levels, the Minnesota Department of Health has created a voluntary Gold Standard program to encourage builders to install complete (with radon fan) systems which will assure positive control of radon levels.

Helpful Legislation Links – The Environmental Law Institute (ELI) tracks all of the new (and existing) laws governing radon. A free downloadable copy of radon laws as of February 2016 is available on their website. - ELI issued in 2012 a report titled Radon in Homes: Strengthening State Policy to Reduce Risk and Save Lives, which is also downloadable


TomSelgrade Homeowner's Guide to Radon

A Citizen's Guide to Radon -

Revised December 2016 (PDF)

Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon

(EPA 402/K-09/002, January 2009)

This booklet is intended for anyone who is buying or selling a home, real estate and relocation professionals, home inspectors and others.