CPD Specifier May 2015 issue September 2015 | Page 3

CPD SEPTEMBER 2015 DCE Publications The Oaks, Wesleyan Road, Ashley, nr Market Drayton, Shropshire TF9 4JT Tel: 01630 673000 Fax: 01630 673247 Email: info@directcontactexhibitions.com Web: www.directcontactexhibitions.com Twitter: @dcecpd SPECIFIER THE MAGAZINE FOR DCE DELEGATES Dear Reader / DCE delegate, Welcome to the latest edition of CPD SPECIFER, the magazine for DCE delegates, YOUR publication. CPDS is only distributed to Building and Construction professionals who have registered for one of our Meet the EXPERTS Technical Forums and it’s main purpose is to advise and update the whereabouts and contents of the next series of regional events and seminar presentations. This latter part of 2015 will see 30+ events from early September through to December 8. These are detailed on the next two pages, 4 & 5. You will be pleased to know that we are continually adding new and fresh talks at virtually all venues. In fact, we now have more than 65% ‘new’ content for this year’s presentations. Plus, most of the ‘regular’ speakers have upgraded and revised their presentations and are delivering updated TECHNICAL UPDATING seminars! By and large, the quality of the seminars at DCE events is superb and we hope to maintain that standard as much as possible. We do have the occasional ‘new’ and less experienced presenter and I am grateful that DCE attendees are, in the main, courteous and respectful allowing the more nervous CPD speakers some latitude as they gain the necessary practice. The 8/12/15 Building Services event is a re-run. We originally staged this on the same day as the first complete Tube strike in London for 17 years! There were a lot of Bacon Rolls and Lunches thrown away that day!! Please note that the DCE events will endeavour to continue delivering the high standard of Technical presentations and the same relaxed and friendly hospitality. Hopefully, you will be keen to keep on keeping on? All our talks comply to the CPD requirements to Technically Update and CPD Certificates will continue to be available. We do not offer double points or double time for any of the third party accredited talks. We firmly believe that the standard 105 hours in 3 years should mean just that. In fact, I am always impressed with the frequency of DCE attendees, Professionals involved in Construction, who recognise that the expertise and knowledge available from most of our speakers, true industry EXPERTS, is there to be taken advantage of. I do look forward to seeing you at your next ‘local’ DCE event. Best regards Senior Architectural Systems’ PURe window suite is a simple solution to improving carbon calculations and thermal performance. www.dcecpd.co.uk will provide the details on individual event seminar content and you can also register online. The LONDON DCE CPD Club continues to grow. We have three more events this autumn and TWELVE dates planned for 2016! FRONT COVER STORY Steve Hilton See pages 8 & 9 for more information. Details on SPECIFYING SECURITY SOLUTIONS, REPAIR; REFURB; RETROFIT, and, BUILDING SERVICES SOLUTIONS appear throughout this magazine and the 2016 event themes and dates are also shown. CPD Specifier is copyright of DCE Publications. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any storage retrieval system without the consent of the publisher. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors or ommissions, although the utmost care is taken to ensure that information is up to date and accurate. Acceptance of advertising by the publishers does not constitute endorsement of the products or services nor do the views expressed in the editorials necessarily represent those of the publisher. FEATURED PRODUCT CENTREWIRE Page 3.indd 1 TEL: 01782 339348 WWW.CENTREWIRE.COM 26/08/2015 09:20:16