CPD Specifier magazine - January to May 2014 issue Jan 2014 | Page 47

Ecobuild 2014 Confirmed conference and seminar sessions NORTH ARENA Thursday 6 March: 13.30 - 14.30 The Ecobuild debate; do we have a blueprint for the resilient city of the future? Professor Ricky Burdett, Professor of Urban Studies and Director, LSE Cities, London School of Economics and Political Science Ken Livingstone, former Mayor of London Peter Madden, Chief Executive, Future Cities Catapault Peter Guthrie OBE, Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge Herbert Giradet, Co-founder, World Future Council FUTURE CITIES Wednesday 5 March: 10.30 - 12.00 The resilient city - understanding and overcoming the challenge Chair: Stephen Cook, Associate Director, Arup, Energy and Climate Change Consulting City visions and resilience: developing future-proof thinking Professor Tim Dixon, Chair in Sustainable Futures in the Built Environment, School of Construction and Engineering, University of Reading Designing with climate - building resilience Dr Tristan Kershaw, Lecturer in low carbon design, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath Nature as a partner in resilience - Innovative modelling of blue green infrastructures’ interactions with spatial planning for quantification of impacts and multiple benefits Professor Cedo Maksimovic, Head of the UWRG-Urban Water Research Group and Lead of the Blue Green Dream project, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London Risk and resilience in retrofit city futures Professor Malcolm Eames, Low Carbon Research Institute, Welsh School of Architecture, University of Cardiff 14.30 - 16.00 Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) - managing urban water Chair: Sue Illman, President Landscape Institute Creating liveable cities with water sensitive urban design Tony Barrett, Principal Consultant Water, Aecom Why water sensitive urban design is relevant in the UK Justin Abbott, Director, Arup The North West Cambridge development: water sensitive design in the University of Cambridge’s urban extension Heather Topel, Deputy Project Director, NW Cambridge Development, Univeristy of Cambridge Water based design Robert Barker, Director, Baca Architects 16.30 - 18.00 Delivering integrated, resilient green and grey infrastructure - strategies for success Chair: Chris Rogers, Professor of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Birmingham; Principal Investigator Liveable Cities Programme Grant and Principal Investigator Assessing the Underworld - an integrated model of city infrastructures Resilient infrastructure - designing the underworld Professor Chris Rogers Valuing Green Infrastructure - not just a pretty place Tom Butterworth, Natural England Trees in Hard Landscapes - a new guideline from the Trees and Design Action Group Martin Kelly, Land Planning Director, Capita Property and Infrastructure and Chair, Trees and Design Action Group Multiple demands, tensions and trade offs Jon Sadler, Professor of Biogeography, University of Birmingham WATER, WASTE & MATERIALS Tuesday 4 March: - 12.15 The value of green infrastructure and water management Chair: Michael Henderson, Associate Director - Sustainability, Aecom The ripple effect: establishing the business case for water sensitive urban design Michael Henderson, Associate Director Aecom How a green infrastructure audit led to the installation of a multifunctional living wall Gary Grant, Consultant Ecologist Urban ecosystems - the role of sustainable drainage design David Fortune, Director of Innovation, XP Solutions Trees and SuDS - an integrated approach for win-win outcomes Johanna Deak Sjoman and Dr Henrik Sjoman, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Wednesday 5 March: 10.45 - 12.15 Future resilience - floods, droughts and implications for development Chair: Dr Craig Jones, Circular Ecology Ltd Water, flooding, scarcity and the impacts on business and property Colin Harrop, Director, Jones Lang LaSelle Water footprinting: the concealed impacts of water in the supply chain Dr Craig Jones, Director, Circular Ecology Ltd From sanitation to sanity - the changing perception of water from threat to lifeblood of our cites Peter Wilder, Director, Wilder Associates Thursday 6 March: 12.30 - 14.00 Integrated joined up thinking on water - a briefing for