CPD Guide 2023 | Page 4

Benefits to you
Benefits to your Organisation

Benefits to you

» Keep on top of changes in a constantly changing industry .
» Keep qualifications up to date .
» Have an increased understanding of the impact and implications of your work and how it affects the railway system as a whole .
» Prepare for greater responsibilities .
» Improve job prospects .
» Boost your confidence .
» Strengthen your professional credibility .
» Upgrade CIRO membership .
» Staying interested and challenged in your profession .


Benefits to your Organisation

» Improved efficiency and productivity of staff .
» Drives continuous improvement and high standards throughout the organisation .
» Builds knowledge across the organisation in related specialisms to improve understanding and communication across the whole railway system .
» Succession planning : Keeps employees focused on career progression pathways , leading to success at work and more successful succession planning .
» Employees feel more valued .
www . ciro . org CIRO Continuing Professional Development Guide v . 2