CPCA_2019_Winter Magazine.Final | Page 23

The most culturally competent and high-quality therapists are of little value if unavailable when needed by law enforcement . Important factors to consider include :
Timeliness returning phone calls for new referrals
Openness to accepting new law enforcement referrals
Timeliness returning phone calls for current and past clients
Updating of voicemail when practice is full or therapist is unavailable
Cultural Competence
Therapist Quality
Availability & Responsiveness
Confidentiality & Discretion
Responsiveness to urgent requests
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Concerns about privacy and confidentiality constitute major barriers to law enforcement seeking help during their times of need . Fortunately , state and federal laws provide extensive protection for healthcare client confidentiality . When vetting therapists for confidentiality , consider :
Knowledge of laws governing client confidentiality
Practices to ensure discretion and confidentiality
Office layout and waiting room configuration
Social media history and practices
Technology now allows officers to interact with therapists via HIPAA-encrypted video , which is an important consideration for officers in remote locations and also for departments that lack sufficient access to local police therapists . Many police departments are utilizing departmentcustomized law enforcement wellness apps 1 that provide access to culturally competent , vetted law enforcement therapists , peer support , police chaplains , and a multitude of additional police wellness support resources . It is already the case that technology is playing a critical role in helping many police departments to ensure their officers have access to vetted therapists , and the use of technology to strengthen therapist access and officer wellness continues to grow .
Ensuring your police department has access to high-quality , culturally competent therapists should be a top priority . By leveraging the guidelines outlined in this article , coupled with assistance from trusted resources , we can make great strides towards making sure that those who serve and protect their communities have the emotional and personal support necessary to thrive throughout their careers . ■
REFERENCES Kraus , D . R ., Castonguay , L . G ., Boswell , J . F ., Nordberg , S . S ., and Hayes , J . A . ( 2011 ). Therapist effectiveness : Implications for accountability and patient care . Psychotherapy Research , 21 , 267-276 . Okiishi , J ., Lambert , M . J ., Nielsen , S . L ., and Ogles , B . M . ( 2003 ). Waiting for supershrink : An empirical analysis of therapist effects . Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy , 10 , 361-373 . Stein , D . M ., and Lambert , M . J . ( 1995 ). Graduate training in psychotherapy : Are therapy outcomes enhanced ? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 63 , 182-196 . Ushery , D ., Manney , D ., and Stulberger , E . ( 2018 ) Nearly 1 in 5 Cops Has Considered Suicide Amid Stigma Around Mental Health Issues . NBC New York , retrieved from https :// www . nbcnewyork . com / news / local / I-Team-Nearly-1-in-5-Cops- Has-Considered-Suicide-Amid-Stigma-Around-Mental-Health- Issues-500928011 . html
Cordico Shield . Retrieved from www . cordico . com / shield
WINTER 2019 | California Police Chief 23