How Coaching
Others Will Make
You a Better
By Lisa Martin
eing a great leader isn’t just about being really good at
your job. It’s about ensuring that those who you lead
are satisfied, challenged, and successful in their roles.
Job satisfaction in the workplace directly impacts the overall
success of a company, and happy employees who stay, stem
from leaders who invest in their people.
Coaching others can be challenging. You have your own
tasks to accomplish, and allocating your time to uplifting
others can take away from your own agenda. But guiding
others to succeed in a way that is not self-serving will make
you a better leader. Here are some ways that coaching others
will help you in the long run:
Ask questions – to guide others towards
Asking questions as opposed to telling others how things
should be done is a great way to help foster professional
growth in others. Creating a framework for self-discovery
enables your team to develop new skills somewhat
organically, and allows them to feel challenged in their role.
Share knowledge and resources – to help
you work more efficiently.
There is much to gain from sharing your knowledge and
expertise with others. Educating your team about your area
of expertise will make them feel trusted and eager to learn
new skills and take on new responsibilities. Creating and
surrounding yourself with a team of experts will result in
the ability to work more efficiently, with extra help readily
available when needed.
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