CPABC Career Connect Employer Profile
Vancouver : From 20th-Century ... ( cont ’ d )
capture +$ 200 billion in new economic activity generated by head offices , simply by attaining a level of head office presence that is similar to comparable cities . Among many benefits , this can contribute to the variety and quality of locally available jobs , and since head offices typically pay well , can help address the affordability challenge in the Metro Vancouver region . Furthermore , head offices play a critical role in supporting community and local philanthropic initiatives . A strong , diverse regional economy anchored by 21st-century head offices across a range of existing and new sectors will reinforce Vancouver as a sustainable and vibrant city , and importantly , as a business city .
Capitalizing on our natural advantages and infrastructure Over the years , major investments by the federal and provincial governments and the private sector have endowed BC with a set of infrastructure assets that allows businesses , researchers , and individuals to connect with opportunities around the world . These assets include not only “ hard ” infrastructure such as ports , airports , highways , bridges , railway lines , and high-speed Internet , but also the “ soft ” infrastructure of world-class educational institutions , a highquality and trusted regulatory system , and government services that position and promote Canada as a valued partner for global business , innovation , and cultural exchange .
All these elements matter for the quality of life of residents and our ability to do business locally . These are also the necessary underpinnings for Vancouver to fully participate in the 21st-century global economy . Cities are increasingly the drivers of their national economies , and in order to thrive , city regions must have the infrastructure to connect with the world . Vancouver is already well-served in this regard , with the Vancouver airport offering 136 non-stop flights per week to destinations in Asia , by far the highest in Canada , and among the top four in North America . In turn , Port Metro Vancouver is Canada ’ s largest port and North America ’ s most diversified port , offering 27 marine cargo terminals and moving 138 million tonnes of cargo ( 95 % of it internationally ) in 2015 valued at C $ 200 billion . Above all , connectivity is about the ability of people who make Vancouver their home to plug into a world of ideas , innovation , and opportunity .
Vancouver also functions as a cultural gateway , a place for exchange and collaboration . This gives the city a comparative advantage , such as in our academic
Vancouver ' s connections to the world through YVR
Photo credit : Vancouver International Airport page 10 | INDUSTRY UPDATE