CPABC Industry Update - Fall 2015 | Page 11

metric tonnes through BC ports in 2013. In the case of Port Metro Vancouver, forestry accounted for 8.5% of all cargo shipped and half of all laden export containers handled in 2013.5 BC Merchandise Exports by Commodity Group billions $ 9 8 Adding up the associated employment impact, the forest industry in BC supports 82,000 jobs beyond the industry itself.6 When you combine the direct and indirect employment, more than 145,000 British Columbians owe their livelihoods to the province’s forest products cluster. 7 6 5 4 3 A Critical Part of BC’s Export Economy 2 1 ts duc ct s Fish Pro al rod u ture M et al P mic Che hin Fa b rica te d s Ag r icul l l Ga ura Co a N at ent ls ipm e& Eq u era p Min Pul allic M et Mac Wo od Pro duc ts 0 Source: BC Stats. Figure 5 Spin-off Benefits Are Significant It is impossible to discuss forestry in BC and not touch upon the interconnections and linkages between forest products and other parts of the economy. The forest products cluster purchases goods and services from a vast array of businesses across the province. Industry participants procure a range of services, including accounting, environmental, banking, engineering, insurance, consulting, information technology, and customs services. Forest products companies also purchase maintenance services and machinery and equipment. In many instances, local companies are initially formed to manufacture equipment for nearby forest products firms and then subsequently expand to sell and export their products and related expertise to other jurisdictions. Forest products companies are also major purchasers of BC transportation services, electricity, and other inputs such as seedlings, fertilizer, and other forestry-related goods and services. Transportation services are especially significant as the industry relies on road, rail, and waterways and port infrastructure to move wood products and pulp and paper throughout the province and to international markets. In 2013, the forest industry utilized 245,000 railcars