Managing the Stress
of Business Travel
By PPC Canada
n today’s global economy, many professionals must travel for business to develop and
maintain important business relationships and contacts. Unfortunately, however beneficial
business travel may be for the bottom line, it can cause personal stress to the body,
particularly when it crosses different time zones. Fortunately, the negative effects of travel can
be mitigated with a few simple steps.
Manage jet lag
There’s no escaping jet lag when you travel across different time zones. Eastward travel generally
causes more severe jet lag than westward travel because it shortens the day, which is more
confusing for your biological clock (the body is usually better able to adjust to a longer day
than a shorter day).
Fully adjusting to a time zone can take several days, especially if the time difference is
significant. When you arrive at your destination, spend a few minutes outdoors so your body
can get the light cues it needs to adjust to the new time zone. If possible, decrease light exposure
at bedtime (for example, wear a sleep mask) and increase light exposure at wake time, as this
can help your body adjust.
If you’re going to be away for only a few days, it may be better to try sticking to your original
sleep and wake times, rather than trying to
reset your biological clock. For longer trips,
getting adequate sleep can be achieved by
making minor changes to your schedule.
For example, if you are travelling west, delay
your sleep and wake times progressively by
20- to 30-minute intervals each day. If you
are travelling east, do the opposite, advancing
your sleep and wake times by 20- to 30-minute
intervals each day until you’ve adjusted to
the new time zone.
Another tip is to take a couple of short 10–15
minute catnaps during the day if you feel
tired. But try to avoid taking long naps during
the day, as this can further confuse your body.
You may also find it helpful to develop a
bedtime routine that will allow you to unwind.
For example, simple stretching and breathing
exercises, and listening to soothing music or
doing some light reading before turnin