CORE VALUES AND COVENANT COMMITMENTS Establish organizational core values , articulate covenant commitments for the CPA community , and embed these through all systems and processes .
CURIOSITY AND OWNERSHIP OF FAITH Cultivate an atmosphere of curiosity for learning and foster students ’ ownership of their walk with Jesus and testimony of faith .
MODEL FOR RESTORATIVE EDUCATION Build and implement a “ restorative thinking ” model for teaching and learning that allows students to discover their unique design and divine purpose and how it applies to the world ’ s needs .
COMMUNITY OF PRESENCE Develop and implement a comprehensive philosophy for how students and faculty responsibly engage with technology to foster a community of presence , while ensuring students are prepared to enter the 21st century workforce .
PERSISTENT PARTNERSHIP Identify opportunities to resource and support families to foster greater church engagement and deeper Christian fellowship .
Cultural integrity is achieved when we narrow the gap between our stated versus lived values and beliefs . The more closely our school culture aligns with our mission , it points towards true north , consistently directing every action , decision , and interaction . The healthier our culture becomes , the more life-giving our community , and the more everyone we serve experiences the richness of the Gospel .