CPA Strategic Plan 2024-2030 | Page 3



This overview contains the 2024-2030 CPA Strategic Plan initiatives . The Academy ’ s strategic planning process began in 2022 and concluded in 2024 . This process included parent , student , faculty , and alumni surveys , five committees consisting of parents , board members , alumni , staff , and students focused on each of the five strategic areas , and in-depth discussions with CPA leadership and the Board of Trustees to analyze the recommendations of each of the committees as well as the survey results .
Out of this process , the Head of School and CPA leadership have identified five strategic initiatives that will put CPA on a path to becoming a truer version of what the school ’ s founders envisioned in 1985 : a school that is faithful to its mission and truer to our call of assisting Christian families in helping students come to know God , evaluate all knowledge and all life by His truth , and live transformed by His truth for His glory .