DEEPER WALK AND CLEAR PURPOSE Identify spaces , processes , and practices to give faculty and staff the time , opportunity , and resources to grow in their walk with Jesus , and to more deeply engage with CPA ’ s mission , vision , and strategies .
CREATIVITY WITH SCARCITY Develop a more holistic benefits plan to address the growing challenges to retaining and recruiting high quality Christian educators .
COMMITMENT TO BEST PRACTICE Organize and implement a revised PS-12 employee onboarding and professional development program aligned to the needs of students and other Academy priorities in order to develop strong Christian educators and grow high potential future leaders from within .
MEANINGFUL FEEDBACK Develop an evaluation model for leading , teaching , coaching , and discipleship to provide meaningful feedback and insights aimed at improving missional alignment PS-12 .
OFFER BACK WHAT IS GIVEN Provide support and insight to schools seeking to grow in educational excellence , and identify opportunities for collaboration with other industry-leading schools .
As the living curriculum of the Academy , our 250 + faculty and staff are our primary differentiator and have the highest impact on the student experience . CPA ’ s strategic initiatives seek not only to attract and retain top talent in the industry , but also to see educators belong , thrive , receive , grow , and be inspired as they seek to inspire those within their care .