CPA Report on Giving 2016-17 CPA Report on Giving 2016-17 | Page 23

THANK YOU FOR GIVING Amanda and Jeremy White Ann and Jerry White Rachel and Aaron White Natalie and Brad Whited Peter Whitely Margaret and Phillip Whiteside Tracie Whitney Helen and Charles Williams Janet and Phil Williams Mary and Bruce Williams Tiffany and Ken Williams Jenny and Peyton Williford, Jr. Alice and Dwight Willingham Becky Wilson De and Matt Wilson Sandra and Garth Wilson Shaun and Marc Wilson Terra and Billy Winfree, Jr. Holly and Jason Winn Barbara and Steven Wise Jenny and John Wisniewski Jess Woodlee Kim and Brian Woodward Sally Ward and Patrick Woodyard Betty Lou and John Wright Diane and Richard Wright Rebekah and Nathaniel Wright Sharon and Jonathan Wright Shelby and Will Wright Brenda and Philip Wyatt CB and Nate Yoder Amy and Mark Young Jean and Steve Young Kelley and Jonathan Young Your Cause Corporate Giving Program Sandra and Jim Zaccari Marissa and Nathan Zapp Tina and Gary Zegiestowsky Dana and Bill Zelenik Susan and Paul Zieman Robert Zinser GIFTS IN HONOR A special thanks to the donors who made gifts in honor of the following individuals: GIFTS IN MEMORY A special thanks to the donors who made gifts in memory of the following individuals: Deanne Carroll 2016-17 CORPORATE MATCHES A special thanks to the following companies for matching gifts made by donors to the Academy: Fifth Third Bank HCP, Inc. Morgan Stanley Cybergrants Kelly Fuller John Chisolm Jeanne Ellen Graham Ben Ellis Larry Nesbitt Ruth Eubank Regions Financial Corporation Foundation Barrett Smith Rachael Wall Wells Fargo Brad Smith Matthew Williams Yarbrough Family Foundation Northwestern Mutual Have you made a gift this fiscal year? If you choose to make a gift to the Academy this year, please know your gift must be made by December 31, in order to be included as a charitable deduction on your 2017 tax return. Gifts by mail must be dated and postmarked by 12/31/17. Give online today — CPA Office of Development and Alumni [email protected] 615-301-3681 Did we miss your name? The Office of Development and Alumni has made every effort to ensure that the information contained on these pages is accurate and complete for gifts made during FY 2017. Please contact us at 615-301-3681 or [email protected] to notify us of any errors. Scan to Support The Academy operates on a fiscal year basis. Therefore, FY 2017 was July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017. 2016-17 REPORT ON GIVING | 23