CPA Magazine: Purple & Gold 2023-24 | Page 32

Tell Me A Story


n Instructor of US English Jennifer Christensen ’ s classroom , senior students take a closer look at the engineering of storytelling . Students identify elements of a powerful story and discuss the ways stories can be used to connect us to other people , places , times , inspiring us , molding us , teaching us about God and His world .
In their study of The Canterbury Tales , students unpack Geoffrey Chaucer ’ s masterful weaving of character arcs . While the Middle English text bears commentary on religion , class , and human nature , what students begin to decipher is the structure of Chaucer ’ s characters , their patterns , limitations , plights , and how they claim their own perspective in his broader ideas on the world . The Senior Pilgrimage project is a practical application for Christensen ’ s students and their literary analysis of the tales . Her goal for this particular class is for students to both appreciate beautiful stories and in turn , find their own . The ability to narrate their own stories gives students a new perspective and ownership on their lives , what makes them unique , things that have challenged them or changed them , and who they are becoming .
Christensen takes students on a “ walkabout ” around campus , having each of them share significant markers of their experience at the school . Whether humorous , serious , embarrassing , or something in between , stories must be composed and told through their personal lens . Christensen shares , “ This leg of the assignment is rooted in the fact that we all have stories and must learn to grapple with them . No matter your story , it ’ s a life skill to learn how to articulate it .” Christensen ’ s intentionality around moving students through campus engages them physically as well as mentally and emotionally .
Senior Marlee Owen shared her story from the Office of Learning Services : “ My dyslexia has always been an insecurity for me , but Ms . Lee and Ms . Crawford created an environment where I always felt known , loved , and seen the second I stepped into their room . As a sophomore , my dad passed away , and the Senior Pilgrimage was a form of journaling for me , helping shape my experiences and reflect on the comfort and care I received in Learning Services during one of the hardest times of my life . What was already a special place became
28 PURPLE & GOLD FALL 2023-24