CPA Magazine: Purple & Gold 2023-24 | Page 29

“ While not everyone is called to missions abroad , each and every person has a significant part to play in God ’ s story .”
“ While not everyone is called to missions abroad , each and every person has a significant part to play in God ’ s story .”
“ The experience brought tears to my eyes . Even as young children , these students have such a profound understanding of the Gospel and the calling of God to put others before ourselves ,” says McDougal .
Throughout their time in Malawi , the team attended church at CCBC and enjoyed worship alongside members of the congregation . Edwards shared an organic moment of connection on the bus en route to a water safari on the Shire River with the youth group . They shared their testimonies , laughed , cried , and caught a glimmer of true eternal friendship in Christ .
This fall , Eunice Kaimila , the Principal of the Adwiza School visited CPA . What an honor ! Eunice spoke to upper school students on matters of courage , ministry , and the calling placed on our lives to further God ’ s kingdom . Kaimila captivated students with her powerful story , encouraging them to “ do everything unto the Lord ” ( Colossians 3:23-24 ), and noted that while not everyone is called to missions abroad , each and every person has a significant part to play in God ’ s story . She charged students to pray and support those around them in ministry as a small but mighty step towards a better world .