Life Since CPA
Three months after graduation , I did a six month discipleship training school ( DTS ) with Youth With A Mission ( YWAM ). I gave my life to Jesus during my DTS and have been a full-time missionary with YWAM for the last four years .
How did CPA prepare you for your current pursuits ?
Baylee Oakley White ’ 17
Being at CPA exposed me to faith in Jesus and a few teachers who loved the Holy Spirit and who loved me radically while I was a broken and hurting teenager . Experiencing relentless love from those teachers taught me how to fight for other young people , and ultimately gave me a passion to see my generation walk in the fullness of life that was purchased for us by His blood .
Are there any specific people at CPA you feel shaped your personal growth ?
There were two people at CPA who wildly impacted my life : Melissa Jean and Tosha Haynes . In the darkest years of my life after my dad passed away , these two women took me in and would not give up on me . With all my questions and accusations toward God , they saw the woman God created me to be and they walked with me until I got there . These women are long suffering , and I owe so much of who I am to them .
Any words of advice for young people at CPA heading out into the world ?
My advice would be from Philippians 3:8 – To truly know him meant letting go of everything from my past and throwing all my boasting on the garbage heap . It ’ s all like a pile of manure to me now , so that I may be enriched in the reality of knowing Jesus Christ and embrace him as Lord in all of his greatness .
There is nothing , and I mean NOTHING better than following Jesus wholeheartedly . It ’ s not a Sunday show up and check it off the list religion . Following Jesus is the most intimate relationship you will ever have . It is giving our yes to Him every day over and over again . It ’ s simple obedience to His voice and the leading of His Spirit that leads us to the abundant life He promises in John 10 . He is everything and everything is found in Him .
How do you seek to influence today ’ s world ?
The culture of the Kingdom of God is what will influence today ’ s culture , and that is what I carry and can give away . True transformation of culture happens with a selfless yes to take responsibility for the things we didn ’ t cause and choose to become the solution . Just like Jesus reconciled us back to the Father yet having never sinned . He didn ’ t cause the separation but He became the solution to it by sacrificing His own life . To change culture , we need the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit .
How does your faith impact how you live and work ?
My faith is everything . With my organization , we are believing for the 3.2 billion people in the world who have never heard the name of Jesus , to have Bibles in their native languages and communities of believers planted among them . We also have a major hand in translating the Bible into the last 3,000 + remaining languages , while also being the largest mission-sending organization in the world . Without my faith , every single thing that I do would be worth nothing . It would make no difference , and it would be in vain . By faith , I am a missionary and by faith I believe that everyone deserves to hear the gospel .