CPA Magazine 2021 | Page 61



Libby Hodges Nevins ’ 06 married Matthew Nevins in October 2020 . She is a Medical Aesthetician at Retief Skin Center .
Brooke Mooney Shomaker ’ 06 is a Marketing Coordinator at Google for Google Fiber , and loves living in Crieve Hall with husband Taylor .
Emmie Stuart ’ 06 is the librarian at Percy Priest Elementary School . She writes for children ’ s literature publications- The Horn Book and BookPage . She also teaches children ’ s literature courses at New College Franklin .
Taylor Clinton ’ 07 lives in Dallas / Fort Worth , TX where he is the District Manager for Focus Brands Inc - Schlotzsky ’ s . He oversees company-owned Schlotzsky ’ s locations across Texas and Nebraska . He assists in operations development and brand testing for their national franchise network .
Courtney Whitsett Gott ’ 07 lives in Nashville with husband Kevin . She is a small business owner , supporting the nourishment of new moms as a postpartum personal chef through Pour La Mère .
Betsey Long ’ 07 married James Graber on July 18 .
Jonathan Buntin ’ 08 is an agent with Village Real Estate . He also serves on the CPA Alumni Board .
Caleb Chapman ’ 08 and Will Franklin Chapman ’ s ‘ 09 band “ Colony House ” released a film on March 20 . Caleb directed and edited the film , which was an online streaming event .
Emily Crane Leuck ’ 08 and husband Tyler live in Franklin , TN with daughter Harper ( 2 ). Tyler works for her family ’ s business , Crane Builders , and she runs the social media accounts for the company .
John McEachin ’ 08 continues in his role as a real estate agent with Crye-Leike in Green Hills .
Jake Peterson ’ 08 is in his seventh year in Madrid , Spain . He and wife Ana have a daughter , Emma , who turned one in January . He is currently working as a remote SEO specialist for Atiba Software , LLC based in Nashville , TN and doing occasional freelance writing work .
Trey Weir ’ 06 accepted a management position at a commercial roofing company in Nashville that covers the whole southeast . He and wife Rachel love life with their six month old . He is also in the process of starting two food trucks . One will be a coffee / breakfast food truck called Batter and Bean Coffee Co . The other will be a BBQ food truck called Weirhaus BBQ .
Emily Clanton Swafford ’ 07 is a client relationship manager at Optum and husband John Mark is a software manager at Amazon .
Kendal Brinkley Veith ’ 07 married John Veith in November 2020 .
Charles Cranford ’ 08 and wife Nancy are moving from Franklin to Lilongwe , Malawi this fall , where they will be teaching with African Bible Colleges .
Abigail Delvaux Graves ’ 08 and Lauren Grace Wooten Stevenson ’ 08 started a prayer ministry called The Kingdom Seekers . They have multiple prayer groups that meet regularly to pray over others . They have seen God do amazing things in these prayer sessions , and love watching Him work in such powerful and loving ways to each individual they pray over . If you would like to receive prayer , contact them at thekingdomseekersminsitry @ gmail . com .
Allyson Dobbins Phillips ’ 08 is mother to three beautiful children and is in year four of church planting in Nashville . She feels that it is the honor of her life to raise children and pastor Legacy Nashville Church .
Megan Coyne Reynolds ’ 08 is a Senior Designer and the photography manager / director for Tractor Supply Company .
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