CPA Magazine 2021 | 页面 4

Dear CPA Community ,
Looking back on the 2020-21 school year , there is still so much to process . For many of us , this year has held uncharted challenges , with a world around us constantly embattled in partisan divisions , political and social unrest , pandemic casualties , and an overwhelming news cycle leading to feelings of hopelessness and uncertainty . We all carry stories of loss and struggle from this year .
However , rather than letting these broken pieces of our world ’ s plight define our year at Christ Presbyterian Academy , I choose to place them in the overall narrative of the joy , hope , and victory of the gospel- a gospel we have seen and experienced on campus throughout the year . I choose to see the blessings from all the moments – big and small – that I ’ ll hopefully never take for granted again . Ann Voskamp writes , “ Joy is always a function of gratitude , and gratitude is always a function of perspective .”
And with perspective over circumstance , perspective over noise , and perspective over chaos , I have come to see the unique beauty of the 2020-21 school year at CPA .
I remember the twinkling eyes of students ( sometimes curious , sometimes mischievous ) returning to campus in August , reconnecting with friends , teachers , and things they love at school again . I remember the patience and flexibility of our families , walking with us through new protocols and safety measures . I remember the unending supply of creativity from our faculty on behalf of students — a faculty willing to fight for the mission of CPA in every corner of the learning process , meeting every potential barrier with innovation and tenacity . I remember taking in the richness of learning together in a classroom , the difference of engaging face-to-face , the empowerment of those teaching and those being taught . A blessed normalcy I ’ ll never take for granted ! I remember the excitement of gathering together , cheering the Lions on at State , watching the first production in a new theatre , worshipping together during Chapel , enjoying movie night on the Quad . I remember these gatherings bringing life back into the community we hold so dear . I remember the laughter and squeals of students running and playing on a breathtaking , new Quad . I remember fun with the Class of 2021 at Universal Studios in Orlando , marking the end of their CPA careers with quality time , adventure , and authentic conversation .
Philippians 4:8 reminds us … “ whatever is true , whatever is honorable , whatever is just , whatever is pure , whatever is lovely , whatever is commendable , if there is any excellence , if there is anything worthy of praise , think about these things .” I think just maybe the Apostle Paul had years like this one in mind when he wrote this verse on mindset and perspective .
As you dive into this publication and all of its content , my prayer is it causes you to reflect and give thanks for all the Lord has done in this year ... for our students , for our families , for our community , and for our future . Soli Deo Gloria .
Nate Morrow | Head of School
4 PURPLE & GOLD 2020-21