CPA Magazine 2021 | Page 12

A Word from the Division Heads

Lauren Overbeek

Head of Preschool
Mystery Box with Ms . Graham . This is part of our Ask Me Whooo Bible curriculum . This is a fun game and sweet conversation bringing even more Biblical worldview into their day . The Christmas season was extra special this year as we slowed down , stepping away from our traditional program . The celebration of Jesus ’ s birth and creative ways the students got to experience this gift was magical in our classrooms . It was beautiful ! Ending the year with celebrations for each classroom and finally inviting parents back to join us just filled our hearts ! We tried something new by giving our families a peek into what we have been learning all year and ending the time with connection and play in the beautiful spring weather outside . This allowed our Prek5 students to have their own special program for graduation to kindergarten .
Psalm 16:11 — You will show me the way of life , granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever .
The year was full of great joy ! The Lord has continued to show His guidance and faithfulness every day . I have seen the teachers choose joy each day as they have shown up over and over creating a normal preschool experience despite the challenges the 2020-21 school year brought .
Ending a school year is bittersweet . It ’ s not easy to let go of these classes we love , but we do look forward to seeing them in August and having so many new families join our community . Preschool welcomes about 50 new students every year !

Chris Harris

Head of Lower School
Many times this year , we were presented with difficult challenges , but that never prevented us from making this an amazing year for our students . Whether it was Mother / Son Dodgeball , Father / Daughter Luau or experiencing a new , wonderful format for Grandparents Day , we experienced a new level of joy with our students and families .
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 — Hear , O Israel : The Lord our God , the Lord is one . You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might . And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart . You shall teach them diligently to your children , and shall talk of them when you sit in your house , and when you walk by the way , and when you lie down , and when you rise . You shall bind them as a sign on your hand , and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes . You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates .
I begin every year with this verse . CPA is a school with a very specific mission . It is a mission of allowing the gospel to transform the hearts of students , and possibly families , into impactors for His kingdom . And we get to be a part of that .
Next year , I look forward to the same things that I look forward to every year : carrying out the mission of our school . Every year , CPA Lower School strives to partner with covenant families in educating children to see the world through a biblical lens , and next year is no different . Might certain distractions be removed , sure . But in the end , our mission does not change .
12 PURPLE & GOLD 2020-21