Cowes Port Handbook 2014-2015 April 2014 | Page 36

COWES PORT HANDBOOK 2014 - 2015 Getting Ashore by Tender or Water Taxi .................................................... The most common landing place is Town Quay for West Cowes and Gridiron for East Cowes, however other locations can be used. All harbour areas - Cowes Harbour Taxi VHF Ch 77. Tel: 07855 767918 - Summer only All harbour areas - Sally Water Taxi VHF Ch 6. Tel: 07831 331717 - All year Cowes to Folly Inn - Folly Waterbus VHF Ch 77. Tel: 07974 864627 Folly Reach Moorings to Folly Inn - Folly Launch VHF Ch 72. Tel: 07884 400046 Island Harbour to Cowes or Newport - Island Harbour Ferry VHF Ch 8. Tel: 07825 016943 or 07964 075621 Fresh Water ................ Fresh water is available from all marinas, Trinity Landing, and Town Quay. Garbage ............ Marinas provide facilities for garbage originating from the boats using their berths. Boats moored in the River Medina or at anchor should retain garbage on board until berthed alongside, or take it ashore to facilities situated adjacent to public landings. Using the river to dispose of rubbish of any kind is illegal. Fuel & Gas ............... Cowes Harbour Fuels, open seven days a week, is the main facility in Cowes Harbour providing easy access and competitively priced fuel. It is situated on the River Medina, 200m south of the Chain Ferry underneath the large hammerhead crane. T el: 01983 200716. VHF Ch 69. Lallow’s Boatyard, 50m south of the Yacht Haven. Tel: 01983 292112. Scrubbing Berths ....................... Town Quay adjacent to the Harbour Office. Suitable for vessels up to 10.6m LOA and 2m draft at spring tides and 1.0m draft at neap tides. Folly Inn scrubbing berth capable of taking vessels up to 10.6m LOA and 1.83m draft at spring tides. Bookings by application to the Folly Harbour Office on Tel: 07884 400046. 36