COWES HARBOUR COMMISSION STRATEGIC PLAN 2016-2021 Mid-Term Review 2019 | Page 4

STRATEGIC PLAN 2016-2021 MID-TERM REVIEW 2019 - SUMMARY Cowes Harbour Commission (CHC) published its Strategic Plan for 2016-2021 in June 2016. Since then, the Commission has reviewed the plan periodically and the CHC Annual Reports have contained a summary update on CHC’s progress. Since 2016, there have been a number of changes that have had, or may have in the future, a significant effect on Cowes Harbour. A particular example is the decision of Homes England’s development partner not to proceed with the proposed redevelopment of the East Cowes waterfront, including a new marina for East Cowes. It is also the case that the market for marine services continues to change year by year. The popularity and title sponsorship of yachting events and the volume of commercial shipping are other examples of the changing market and customer demands. CHC must recognise and react to these changes in good time. The Commission therefore considered it prudent to review its Strategic Plan to 2021 in the light of these changes and to update that Plan where necessary. As part of that review, CHC has sought and obtained various comments from stakeholders, including the Harbour Advisory Committee. The result of the review is that the Plan has been updated where necessary. Changes are limited in number but are intended to ensure CHC focuses on the key issues at this time. Revisions are highlighted in the updated Plan in light blue. We highlight the following key points: n Safety remains CHC’s overriding objective. n The cessation of the proposed redevelopment of East Cowes by Homes England and its partner means that CHC must proactively engage with all relevant bodies, in particular the Isle of Wight Council. CHC will therefore work with key partners to aim to ensure that appropriate strategic planning is undertaken for Cowes and the Medina Valley, so that the port infrastructure and services are appropriate for the future, and that marine services and employment are protected and stimulated wherever possible. This is reflected in the updating of Strategic Objectives Nos. 1 and 2 on page 8 of the Plan. CHC does not believe that its resources are best used by itself preparing a formal Port Master Plan. Cowes SailGP © Lloyd Images 4