COVERED Issue 5 Edition 2 | Page 17

It's not always easy, especially since I live in a remote town with no photographer on hand, work six days a week, miss most blogger events and meet ups etc. but Alhamdulillah I somehow still manage to grow . R amadaan is my most favourite time of the year. When I was a teenager I didn't always look forward to it because being anemic and underweight, the fasts were extremely difficult and I would frequently have blackouts. Alhamdulillah with a little weight gain, the fasts are a breeze and I can fully appreciate and enjoy the month. It's the easiest time to correct bad habits, reconnect with with my Creator and put things into perspective . I must admit that social media can be a bit distracting so I try to limit my phone time during this month as well. There is so much barakat in the time and so much inner peace and contentment in this month, I love it! From the special goodies that only grace our tables during this month to the neighbourly love of sending plates of yummies to each other and even the anxiety and excitement of the huffaz before performing taraweeh– ramadaan is just a special time… E id is an amazing end to a beautiful month. A day to be glam , indulge in delectable treats and see the people I love . I always loved dressing up for Eid and the anticipation and excitement is still the same as when I was a kid. Eid is always filled with a little sadness though- yearning for those loved ones lost as well as bidding farewell to the beloved month of Ramadaan. Nevertheless it is a day of celebration, love and appreciation for all our many blessings and definitely always filled with special memories.