COVERED Edition 4 Issue 2 | Page 8

REALITY_______________________________________________________________________ UNCOVERING THE BENEFITS OF HIJAB By Shamima Kolbasar In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful B eing brought up in a home where my parents taught us to always dress modestly and respectfully, I wore my scarf for certain occasions and during the fasting month. The first time I started wearing hijab full-time, was when I got married in 2011. My wedding was in Istanbul, Turkey, and for my headgear, a scarf was draped and over this my veil was placed. Things happened so fast and I was not sure at that time whether I was really ready for this significant change, as wearing a scarf or being in hijab is not only at a physical level but also at a deeper spiritual level. So when I started wearing hijab full-time, my husband naturally wanted me to wear the Turkish hijab and I was happy to do this. I was excited and tried to learn as much as I could. Staying in South Africa, this transformation brought on other challenges. Friends and extended family approached me differently. At times, I was not accepted as I was before and because it was a radical change, it had impacted me on a deeper level. For example, when I went swimming, I wore my Islamic costume, which was initially uncomfortable, but what added to the discomfort was the stares and with all the changes, it brought about uncertainty. I battled with an inner conflict, as I questioned whether I was still the same person while wearing hijab. Being a newly wed, I wanted to look great and trendy too. All of these feelings, coupled with the intention to please Allah, made me realize that I had to rediscover myself, and for this to be sustainable, I knew that I had to embrace the change. What gave me my breakthrough was that I had to find a strong enough reason for why I made that change. My “why” was to please Almighty and this change was hopefully going to bring me closer to Allah. My self talk was important and I asked myself empowering questions. I did a lot of reflection. By searching within, I discovered my strengths and a new life began, Alhumdullilah.