COVERED Edition 3 Ramadaan & Eid Special | Page 38

Internal Mirror By: Aisha on behalf of Lead-In Lady R amadaan is not associated with the mere robotic act of abstaining from food and drink but it is a time of worship, a time to foster a sense of unity with the wider community, a time to appreciate the ‘everyday’ blessings, and a time to sincerely introspect. For the majority of the ummah; it is our favourite time of year and many could attest to witnessing what could be described as an “other-worldly” sense of peace which encompasses the earth the moment that the moon is sighted. It is normal, however, for relapses to occur at the close of the month wherein some of us revert to our usual temperaments and we simply forget about the commitments that we made during the month to the Qur’aan, to our Deen, to our fellow human beings, and to ourselves. The focus herein rests on establishing healthy personality changes which can be maintained even after the month of Ramadaan so as to ensure personal growth. It is accepted that a solution can only be found when a problem has been identified and understood. The practice of reflection, therefore, is central to finding what we would like to change in our lives, what can be changed, how it can be changed, why it should be changed, and how to maintain the change. Often; we make a list of habits that we would like to change and we enter full-force into implementing the change of all the habits concurrently with the effect of abandoning some or all of our efforts because it was unsustainable. In the spirit of Ramadaan Lead-in Lady is offering a free session on ‘Reflection’ to the first reader who sends a DM on Instagram: lead_in_lady Reflection, however, annihilates this relapse because it creates tangible goals that have been understood and which can be tracked. For example; and I choose this example because it is something prevalent affecting our Muslim community in Johannesburg, if a person wishes to eliminate the habit of harboring competitive behavior associated with pride and jealousy then the person would need to understand the concepts of pride, jealousy, and competitive behavior fully. There would need to be a noting of whether it can be changed (yes, behavioural issues can be resolved if not alone then with professional support) and then the ways in which the behaviour can be changed would need to be explored such as stopping the time spent stalking other people’s social media accounts so as to cease to mimic their latest buys and outings. Thereafter; the reason why the behavior needs to be changed would need to be understood so the individual would need to accept that our Deen forbids the behavior and that the behavior actually infringes upon individuality because in trying to compete with and ‘copy’ people you lose your sense of self. Finally, the way forward needs to be mapped, so for example, the individual could focus on performing tasks that she finds pleasing such as painting or gardening to ensure that her attention is diverted to other areas perpetually. In this way a commitment to eliminating a habit was not just acknowledged and emphasized for a few days; but it was understood which will automatically allow the individual to focus on disengaging from the damaging behavior for the long-term. Ramadaan is a wonderful opportunity to become a better human being and the power of reflection is something to consider. Lead-in Lady wishes everyone a joyous and fulfilling Ramadaan and Eid. Lead-In Lady wishes further to extend love and warmth to those individuals who are spending Ramadaan alone, for the first time without a loved one, or who are away from their homes. May Allah Accept our efforts, grant us inner peace, make us of benefit to the Ummah, and Grant us the Highest Stages of Jannah. Aameen. 38