COVERED Edition 3 Ramadaan & Eid Special | Page 16

1.I've never really saw myself αѕ a business owner, I guess you could say, my passion guided me to my little business. 2. Inspiration definitely hits me at bedtime or in the middle of the night. In my line of work, I find that women who take pride in their appearances always strikes a positive note with me and these are women of various age groups and cultures, so I feel the need to create garments that would accentuate their beauty further. 3. Quite simply, the Persian meaning of my name is `Wild Rose ‘and to make it a little more special, I went with a Latin play which brought me to FeraRosa. 4. My mission was to see if I could do it! I believed in my heart that I could create garments that would appeal to the masses and that I could achieve designs which aren’t your average designs. With that in mind, I had to see if I could bring those ideas to fruition! 5. Right now it's just me! I haven't even thought about taking it to the next level yet αѕ I have been extremely busy with the day to day business AND with reality! 6. I am into women's fashion, trendy yet decent smart casual wear - the kind one doesn't find in major stores, But wish they could. 7. I use mainly social media platforms for the moment and it seems to be working out quite well for now. My widest reaching platform being Instagram. 8. Most definitely with a larger team to back me up, as I cannot possibly see myself balancing my life αѕ a wife and a mother along with designing, sewing, marketing and sales! By the Will of Allah, I hope to be running a much larger workforce and in turn see many more profitable sales. 9. Well, that has to be the fact that my garments are one σƒ a kind, unique in their designs and fabrics so you won't be bumping into anyone with a matching outfit at an upcoming event . My logo reads: `Wear it your Way’! Which adds to the exclusivity of one's look. 10. When I initially went live on Instagram, I had come to loggerheads with another designer going by the same brand I had at the time, however, we quickly got in touch and resolved the issue in a very civil way, alhamdulillah. I conceded and made a slight alteration to my label without loosing its authenticity too much. 11. Gorgeous autumn prints in lovely winter hues. A lot of versatility in a single garment, They Мαý be dressed up or down. Modest exclusive high fashion just a stones throw away. 12. THE SMALLEST STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION CAN TURN OUT TO BE THE BIGGEST STEP OF YOUR LIFE! 16 FeraRosa by Nasreen Ally @nasreenally_11