COVERED Edition 3 Ramadaan & Eid Special | Page 11

What does it take to keep a marriage strong? We strongly believe you must have Allah in your marriage. The next is, communication and compromise with one another Do you believe that on-line business is the future? We do believe on-line shopping is the future. It allows for more convenience when shopping, as the consumers save them time and energy from waiting in long queues or having to drive to a mall. Everything is at your finger tips Plans for the next 5 years? Business wise we hope to grow our on-line and web page to a point where we don't have to own physical stores. Spiritually: Insha Allah Ameen, we hope to be granted the opportunity to go for our hajj and visit the 3 harams. Personally: we would also love to grow our family a little bigger. Message to our readers: “Always remember to be patient in what you want to accomplish in life, and always know that Allah has a plan for you as He is the Best of Planners. Don't get caught up in the social media world and don't focus too much on materialistic items, but rather focus on strengthening your spirituality and your connection with Allah.” 11