COVERED Edition 3 Issue 4 | Page 13

10.What advise and motivation can you give our young readers and our women? Women, since the onset of creation, have been beings of insurmountable value. Our wombs signify mercy and our hearts have no walls limiting the love that comes from it. We have silent strength and a trustful gut. I wish for women to recognize their value, their status, their power in leading a generation. We are born with all we will ever need, and the world should never change that belief. The success of one woman should never be the competition of another, rather it should be inspiration. We are powerful beings that raise nations and constitute as part of half a nation. Don't ever underestimate the status you've been raised to, and don't be foolish enough to lower it by losing the modesty that embodies it. Be soul food, not eye candy girls! 11. Favourite quote? “Allow the little things to amaze you. That's how you'll remember that life is a gift.”