COVERED Edition 3 Issue 4 | Page 10

AZRA SUJEE PATEL MAKING HER MARK! This talented young lady has definitely hit our radar. Azra Sujee Patel (20),describes herself as straight forwardly human with a touch of normality. Covered Magazine brings you a first time exclusive with this talented young woman. Azra is skilled in Psychology and an English major but most will know her from the Talk Shows she hosted on both Cii & Radio Islam dedicated to the Youth of today, MashaALLAH! 1.What drives such a young mind like yours and how do you over come challenges? Do you remember that point in the BFG by Roald Dahl, when the giant explains how he captures dreams and places them in jars? Well that's me. Dreams, day dreams, wondering, pondering, these are the things that churn within me. A thought is a magnificent thing, indestructible and intangible, yet it has a history of being the precursor to great things. But if it simply remains a thought it doesn't do much good, and I guess this is where my folks come in. They were always the ones who forced me to allow it to manifest. as cliché as it may sound, the unlimited horizons that I can fearlessly dream about, tend to be motivation for me to actually pursue it. It's not always about telling people what your dreams and aspirations are, sometimes it's about showing them. To be bluntly honest, I'm a bit broody/moody when challenges hit home. But some air, some sunshine, some good food, and space to sort things out in my head always seem to be my way of dealing. Not saying it's the most effective, but hey, within an hour you might just get a word out of me.