COVERED 4 | Page 55

So next time we round up the ladies for the infamous get together, let’s try a different approach. Let us be the one to stop gossip in its tracks! Even if the story might be the juiciest of stories! Let us put ourselves in the shoes of the one being spoken off. Imagine how it would feel if any of our dirty laundry was aired out to dry in some else’s yard! It doesn’t sound so juicy anymore now does it! We all have skeletons in our closets and hope to keep them there… At the end of the day, who are we to judge! Come on ladies we are so much more than that! Instead on striving on the mishaps of others lets concentrate on ourselves. Convert the negative into a positive by being there for one another. Advise and guide each other and if we have nothing good to say…do not say anything…..#gossipmustfall XOXO