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HOW CAN WE OFFER THIS TRUE SUPPORT. 1.SPARE the grieving sisters a space and allowing for the quietness and the recital of SURAH YASEEN and THE TWO RAKAATS SALAAT UL QABRI , after the Mayyat has been lifted with Shahaadah and BEFORE THE MARHOOM LEAVES THE BOUNDARIES OF THE HOME SPACE. 2.SPARE the grieving sisters a space. ALLOW THEM and JOIN THEM in the performance of TWO RAKAATS SALAAT UL QABRI and the recital of SURAH YASEEN with the intention for the ibaadah to reach THE ALMIGHTY, BEFORE THE MARHOOM ARRIVES AT THE FINAL ABODE OF THE QABR. IN SHAA ALLAH. 3.Through this ETHICAL CONDUCT and AKHLAAQ , May Allah be pleased with us as we truly show our deepest compassion in a loving, caring, considerate and mature manner to our grieving sisters and truly return our loved one to HIM in dignity and plea for HIS QUBLIYAH acceptance of HIS WILL and our duas. 4.There is NO DOUBT that the grieving sisters will be most grateful and appreciative of your meeting and greeting AFTER all the relevant spiritual duties and heartfelt desires have been fulfilled…and IN SHAA ALLAH. The Deceased is transported to The Highest Spheres of Jannah as the grieving Sisters are THEN comforted by the support of other Sisters. In Shaa Allah , may our consciousness be awakened as we grow and develop for the pleasure of ALLAH.