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The event of DEATH is “THE FINALE” as in THE DUNIYA. “The Journey of Return” begins as the SOUL is released and “THE WORLDLY DETACHMENT” begins. When death occurs, the human being, in the tenderness of experiencing LOSS and permanent worldly separation is bound to process into the stages of grieving. There is shock, initial disbelief , denial of the reality, hurt, pain, despair as the stages of grieving and healing unfold stage by stages. It is humanly natural to feel the depths of overwhelming pain, confusion , and sadness as the throngs of spiritual acceptance is processed…… HOW CAN WE, as SISTERS to SISTERS support the grieving of the ”BELOVED ONES “ left behind as we return the “BELOVED DECEASED” to HIM and HIM ALONE in the utmost DIGNITY, PEACE and SOLACE. 1.The Mayyat Ghusal is conducted with great care, preferably by THE CLOSE MEMBERS OF THE DECEASED with tenderness, gentleness and deep respect. 2.Once the above has been performed, to ensure that the deceased is rested in the solitude place of final worldly resting in the home until the Marhoomeen is lifted to be transported to the Qabrastaan. It is important to be conscious of this significant time as in the last hours of parting and connection for the immediate and close members of the deceased.