Cover Shot Fitness Magazine Issue 24 Kristina Vinal | Page 32

Kristina Vinal


Wearing Muscle(cont. pg.22)

How many times a week do you work out and for how long?

I work out at minimum 2 hours a day, 6 days a week.

What’s your favorite body part to train?

My favorite body part to train is shoulders.

What’s the most comical or unusual comment someone has made to you? How did you deal with it?

The most comical comment someone has made to me is "you're not trying to get big are you? It doesn’t look good when a girl has "too much" muscle and looks like a man." I responded It would take me a really long time and a lot of supplements to get to me to even remotely look like a man.

I love wearing muscle way better than fat, I love curves more than being a stick figure and I love seeing results and making moves more than being stagnant.

Do you use a coach or nutritionist and how have they impacted your journey?

For competitions I have my coaches Brian and Jacqueline Amendola. They are the best couple I could have ever asked for to guide my journey. They have been the best support from the beginning, they opened their home and their hearts to me and I can't help but call them family.

Favorite non-athletic activity?

My favorite non-athletic activity is going to the beach. Although I don't go there are as often as I'd like, there is something about being near the water that makes the experience special.


-Weight: 125

-Measurements: 5'3

Preferred contact info: [email protected]

Kristina M. Vinal

Fitness Instructor & Health Coach

IG: KristinaZone

Twitter: @KristinaZone

Facebook: /KristinaZone1

Cover Shot Fitness Magazine