Cover Shot Fitness Magazine Issue 24 Kristina Vinal | Page 22

Kristina Vinal


Mediocrity(cont. pg. 1)

Share with us a bit about your contest history and most memorable show experience.

I have done two shows. My very first show was the Diamond Classic in Boca Raton, FL. I placed 1st place in the open and 2nd place in novice and then automatically qualified for nationals. My next show was Nationals in Miami, FL.

Both shows were extremely special to me, however the first one was the show that woke me up. The morning of the show there were so many things that went wrong. I arrived at the show late and I was lost, didn't know bikini was going up first. I didn't have my suit on.

I was felt extremely rushed. Finally it was my turn to do my thing, had a very sweet voice tell me "you've got this" and that's all it took. I went on stage and did my routine like nothing ever happened.

Is there something that motivates and or inspires you to workout, diet and compete in fitness that non-competitors might connect with? Which part do you have the most difficulty with?

My motivation is believing that I was put on Earth with a purpose. A purpose so strong that mediocrity is not acceptable.

The thought of being average and waking up one day realizing I haven’t accomplished a lot in my life

would devastate me. It is hard fo me at times to diet, because I love to eat all kinds of bad food, however knowing that food will always be there and the idea of being who I was yesterday does not excite me. I always seek to improve and look forward.

How do your goals on stage connect with your non-athletic activities?

My goals on stage are directly correlated with my non-athletic activities. At work I strive to be a great leader, grow in the company and be known for doing outstanding work.

I just received a perfect score for my performance and that's the greatest accomplishment I could achieve for the year in my role.

How many times a day do you eat and what’s your typical caloric, carb and protein intake per day?

I eat 5-6 times a day depending on how close I am to a show. At this point I'm under 1,400 calories, low carbs, with protein staying under 25 grams a meal.

Cover Shot Fitness Magazine