Cover Shot Fitness Magazine Issue 16 Featuring Sam Rhone | Page 2

Publishers Note



John Hawley, Publisher


John Hawley (904)333-3527

11604 Surfwood Ave, Jax. Fl 32246

Editor & Administrator: Nellie Hawley

Issue 16 published April 11, 2015.

Shoot with Sam Rhone conducted on Friday, April 3, 2015 prior to check-ins for the NPC Jax Physique bodybuilding competition in Jacksonville, Florida. A special thanks to his trainer whose also a fitness model Patrick Nezolosky for the shoot recommendation.

In This Issue:

Sam Rhone

Of all the clothing and modeling/acting opportunities you could land what would be your favorite role and what would you wear?

My favorite role and what would I wear. I would like to do something with a lot of action wearing jeans and no shirt or jeans and a t-shirt.

Share with us a bit about your contest history and most memorable show experience.

I did my first show in July of 2014. I had a background in power lifting so I figured I could do minimal cardio and do great in mens physique. I came in 6th out of 8 and had a big reality check. My second show in September in 2014 I placed 5th out of 38 due to a much better diet and a lot more cardio and help from a coach I met at my first show. My third show is my most memorable.

I competed in April 2015 Jax physique with a strict diet, 3 sessions a day lifting and cardio. I placed 4th in my class of 40 competitors. When they called my name and I received my trophy. That made me feel like I'm headed in the right direction with all of the training.

Is there something that motivates and or inspires you to workout, diet and compete in fitness that non-competitors might connect with? Which part do you have the most difficulty with?

Being the top model and or actor drives me to chisel my physique to accomplish that. The most difficult part for me would be during peak week doing cardio while trying to cut water. Trying to make my alpha male personality dominate the competitions personalities connect with showing my alpha male personality to the world weather Im entering a room or when I'm attending my daughters school play (cont. pg. 18).

Cover Shot Fitness Magazine