Cover Shot Fitness Magazine Issue #10 Featuring Roger Romance | Page 2

Publishers Note



John Hawley, Publisher


John Hawley (904)333-3527

11604 Surfwood Ave, Jax. Fl 32246

Editor & Administrator: Nellie Hawley

February 2, 2015

Bodybuilder Roger Romance was joined by Katie Chin, physique model at this shoot in Orlando in late January 2015.

In This Issue:

Roger Romance

Please share something of your background and how it relates to your current interest in fitness and modeling.

My background has always been in sales and this all started with me just not liking what was looking back at me in the mirror. Now I want to get my name and look out there to help as many people as I can.

Do you have the opportunity to dress up much? And what’s your favorite type of clothing and why?

When I am in the office or on an appointment I wear a suit or just shirt and tie. I recently had to wear a tux to an event and that was fun I wold like to do more things where a tux is involved.

Share with us a bit about your contest history and most memorable show experience.

I first competed in 2011 Southern States. I placed top 4th and 5th in over 35 and novice. At the 2011 All South I placed 4th. At the 2012 CJ Classic I placed 2nd. At Nationals I placed 16th. Nationals was beyond memorable not only was the show amazing but I got to meet all sorts of great people...Jay Cutler, Phil Heath and Lee Haney. It was really cool because I had a poster of him on my wall growing up..

What motivates and or inspires you to workout, diet and compete in fitness? Which part do you have the most difficulty with?

What motivates me now is all of the people that I touch through my FB fan page. I am humbled by it most of the time. When someone says, " Because of you__." It is an amazing feeling. In the beginning it was all-difficult but now it’s just a way of life for me, but if had to pick diet is the hardest part.

What goals do you have in the sport and do they relate to the rest of your life?

I really had no idea how much bodybuilding and life had in common and when you go through a body transformation like I did it really hits home. Adding the competing part helped too because when you do that you have a time frame to hit your goals and process you have to go through to get there...just like life and anything you want to accomplish. I would love to turn pro maybe masters down the road but I would really just like to see this sport elevate me to a place I can reach and inspire as many as I can (cont. pg. 6).

Cover Shot Fitness Magazine