Another thing you need to keep in mind is that buying costumes can create multiples of outfits. I always made my own costume, so if someone was dressing as a vampire and I was too, I would make mine homemade, which always looked better then any store-bought outfit, and he or she would buy. I would get more attention because it was unique. Never be afraid to try something/be something different on Halloween, because if you don’t because you are “scared” of what people will think, then you aren’t doing it for you. You’re doing it for them, which is not what Halloween is about!
For men you can always were something attractive if you don’t want to dress up to scare. For example, you can dress as James Bond, or Jay Gatsby.
By, Peyton Hastings
Fashion Writer at Variety Magazines©
Variety Magazines Copyright© 2015
Cover Girl© / October, 2015 21
Costume Help!