Course Description Handbook Rev. 3 | Page 52

Music AF1 may apply to the follow ing courses (see additional fees description Pg 16) Course Code Course Name Credi t MUSADV Advanced Music Theory .5 BAND Band 1 CHORUS Chorus 1 DRUM Drum Line .5 POPMUS History of American Popular Music .5 MUSTEC Introduction to Music Technology .5 MUSTHE Introduction to Music Theory .5 JAZZ Jazz Ensemble .5 POPVOC Popular Vocal Styles .5 Prerequisite Introduction to Music Theory/Placement Test In Choir or Band Advanced Music Theory (Cum Laude Recognition) A more intense and in-depth look at Music Theory, the goal of this class is to prepare students who are interested in pursuing a career in music and possibly for the AP Music theory test. Components of the class include advanced chord progressions, counterpoint, intervals, sight singing, and some music history. Band The band is designed to provide advanced musical experience in the large instrumental ensemble for those qualified in grades 9-12. Individual musicianship as well as awareness and interest in good music will be enhanced through instruction, performance and examination. Requirements include attendance at daily rehearsals, and performances (both concert and athletic pep band), and proper care and maintenance of equipment. Grading will also include a playing exam, lessons and a lowering of a quarter grade by two full letter grades for an unexcused absence at a concert or contest performance. WSMA music contests, musical festivals and clinics are other related activities, which are beneficial to the musical growth of these involved students. Chorus Designed to explore many distinct aspects of choral music, the Choir is open to all students who are open to learning about vocal music. Students will develop important musical and singing skills, such as sight-reading, harmony, rhythm, and tone to prepare them to sing in the future, whether it is in a casual or collegiate setting. As a performing organization, one of the requirements is to attend all quarterly concerts, which are 52 Contents Table of