Comic Arts & Graphic Novels
Create your own cartoon character! This course connects literature with the visual arts.
Students develop visual images from written text; utilizing comics as a format for
expressing opinions, exploring people, cultures, politics, ideas, conflicts, dreams and
tragedies. Course work will include a historical overview of comics, writing storylines,
designing characters, developing drawing styles, and establishing storyboards.
Digital Arts & Animation
This course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skill demanded in
the Computer Graphics and Computer Animation fields. In this course students will
develop the concepts for and create the storyboards for various animated pieces. Some
study of professional movies will be included. The movie will be created using a series of
still photographs of the characters with minor movements between each still photo. This
course may be taken more than once to take your mastery to a higher and more complex
Directed Independent Art (Senior Course) (Cum Laude Recognition)
Directed Independent Art is designed to provide advanced art students with the
opportunity for in-depth study in their field of interest. A course of art projects agreed
upon between the student and the instructor.
Students will be required to:
1. Write a contract with the cooperating teacher outlining the projects to be
accomplished each quarter.
2. Do research appropriate for each project.
3. Keep a sketchbook of ideas, drawings, and notes throughout the year.
4. Complete the work contracted each term.
5. Prepare a portfolio for art school admissions, scholarship competitions or art
Introduction to Digital Photography
In this course students will explore digital photography and related technologies.
Students will be given assigned readings and writings, will be asked to produce work to
participate in class discussion to better understand the physical, conceptual and
theoretical characteristics of the electronic media. Emphasis will be placed on the
students' development of an understanding of the evolution of and the theory associated
with art, photography and electronic imaging. Students will be introduced to the basic
technology necessary for the production of their work. Students will be expected to
demonstrate an ability to use the tools competently in the production of their work;
however, the production and analysis of expressive and thoughtful work is the main
objective of this course. Photography as a business (freelance and studio), as well as
laws of photography will also be covered.
*Students must have access to their own digital camera.
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