Course Booklet Autumn 2023 for Joom final | Page 2

General Information
Learners who have been away from education for some time are advised to step back into education through the basic , level 3 or level 4 courses . The courses provide learners with the skills and training necessary to progress to other options at a similar or higher level .
� A course will not go ahead if the number of students do not warrant it .
� The centre retains the right to close or modify a course in any manner it deems suitable at any time .
� Some places may be set aside for learners who have completed components in a field of learning and are working towards a major award in that field .
� All classes will be held in Kildare Further Education and Training Centre ( FETC ), On-line or a blended mix of both these methods .
� Registration for all classes , regardless of venue , will be via Kildare FETC office or web protals as advised in this brochure .
� Students should carefully note commencement dates ; reminders will be sent , if possible , if there is a change to the programme .
� Fees , where applicable , may be paid in cash or by cheque ( make payable to Kildare & Wicklow ETB ).
QQI Certification
Quality and Qualifications Ireland ( QQI ) is an independent State agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland . It is an awarding body , and sets the standards for awards in the National Framework of Qualifications ( NFQ ) for the benefit of learners , employers and other interested parties .
A minor award / component / module provides recognition for learners who complete one or more modules . Credits are acquired on successful completion of a module .
A major award is achieved by successfully completing a specific number of components / modules in a field of learning . In order to achieve a major award , the following number of credits are required :
Level 2 30 Credits Level 3 60 Credits
Level 4 90 Credits Level 5 120 Credits
Back to Education Initiative ( BTEI )
Courses at QQI Levels 4 and 5 are offered under the Back to Education Initiative . Back to Education part-time courses are free to the following individuals :
� �
With less than upper second level education Junior Certificate or Leaving Certificate Applied or
In receipt of a Social Welfare payment or a dependant of an individual in receipt of a Social Welfare payment or
� Holding a valid full medical card ( note that GP card does not apply )
Fees will apply to those who do not meet the above criteria — contact office for further detail