Courier January Courier | Page 56

SPEAKERS AND SEMINARS Featured seminars Building Enduring Travel Industry Relationships The Media Conundrum Thom Singer Larry Mersereau In a social-media-crazed world, the quest for increased productivity pushes you to use digital and social media tools to interact with others. Thom will explore how you can maximize your online brand and reputation in a world where everyone is looking at their electronic gadgets instead of looking other people in their eyes. Join your fellow NTA members for an exciting presentation about how to build long-term networking relationships. This session offers an updated look at where your can get the maximum return from your investment in marketing. Whether it’s hours spent on social media and blogs, or dollars spent on traditional media, make sure you’re getting the best possible results. Improving the User Experience in Tourism Meaghan Corson Stuart Levy Understand the art of storytelling with video and how to use video to take your marketing to the next level. Learn the dos and don’ts of being on camera and how to form effective messaging that pulls clients to you. Hear the biggest mistakes new video users typically make and find out how you can jump ahead to pro status fast. In the tourism field, user experience evaluations involve analyzing the variety of digital touch points between companies and customers before, during and after travel experiences. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn and apply methods to evaluate critical elements of the user experience. You’ll gain insights that can be effectively applied in your business. Be sure to bring your laptop, tablet and/or smartphone. Bringing Your Authentic Self on Camera: Why YOU Are the Key to Your Video Marketing Strategy Using Technology for Marketing by Capturing Your Travelers’ Stories Customer Service 411: Eight Killer Words Sol Gilboa Nancy Friedman Which technologies can help you gain more customers, retain your existing customers and simplify your job? There are creative new tools available that capture every aspect of group trips and compile them into lasting stories, long after your travelers return. What better promotes your tours than customers sharing their wonderful experiences? Join Gilboa as he shares how capturing travelers’ stories can grow your business and save you time and money. ROBB COHEN PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO Nancy Friedman, The Telephone Doctor, brings the eight killer words to life—words that distract, confuse, annoy and stop conversations. When that happens, it can be tough to get back on track. Some of your employees may be using them. And if they are, they could be killing the deal. You’ll wish you had known about these words sooner—you’d have saved a lot of sales. 52 January 2017