Courier January Courier | Page 50

WHILE YOU’RE THERE ST. LOUIS 2017 NTA Board of Directors election in progress In case you don’t vote in the 2017 NTA Board of Directors election before Travel Exchange—online balloting is open through Jan. 25— you can cast your ballot at the Annual Business Meeting and Talk Time in St. Louis. During that session, which will be held Monday at 9:45 a.m., each candidate will speak before the final voting takes place. To learn more about the candidates, go to NTAonline. com/2017-nta-board-directors-slate. SFO 1/2 vertical Courier 2017 ad_Layout 1 11/30/16 11:37 AM Page 1 Travel Exchange 101 sessions are must-attends for newcomers GROUPS LOVE US! One of the best primers you can get regarding the NTA convention is the popular Travel Exchange 101 seminar. The informative session, which is led by convention veterans Clayton Whitehead of Sports Leisure Vacations and Laura Elkin of Crescent Hotels & Resorts, will include tips to help you maximize your experience in your business appointments, during your free time and at social events. The seminar, which will be offered Sunday at 3:15 p.m. and Tuesday at 3:30 p.m., will be followed by a convention floor tour to help you get the lay of the land. June 30 – Aug 26 AN INCREDIBLE SETTING Preview Dinners Customized Lectures Contact Kathy Murphy at [email protected] 505-986-5911 Learn more about the season, including the world premiere of The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs at 46 January 2017 Clayton Whitehead leads a convention center tour following the Travel Exchange 101 session. ROBB COHEN PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO Tailgate Parties Paul Horpedahl photo Backstage Tours