Courier January Courier | Page 28

NTA PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT TRIP ARIZONA FULL OF FIRSTS BY ANNA PETTUS I WAS A NEWBIE to the U.S. Southwest when I tagged along with a group of NTA tour operators on the Arizona Product Development Trip in November. I experienced many “firsts” throughout the week: • My first time to see a cactus in the wild (I have now seen hundreds.) • First time eating a date (It’s a fruit, so naturally I preferred mine wrapped in bacon.) • First time tasting a prickly pear margarita (also my second time, third time, fourth time … just kidding, kind of) • My first time meeting the group of operators I explored Arizona with (my favorite “first”) First stop: Tucson Nicole Krekeler of Experience Scottsdale (left) and NTA’s Anna Pettus take the mannequin challenge at Scottsdale’s Museum of the West. 24 January 2017 I had never been to a desert before, and Tucson at times felt worlds away from my hometown in Kentucky. Instead of green hills, there are huge, red mountains and prickly, towering cacti. I remember looking out the window of our bus that first day with my mouth hanging open as Brooke Hamlett of Visit Tucson was saying, “Yeah, this is when it starts to kind of look like we’re on a different planet.” We were on our way to the ArizonaSonora Desert Museum, and I had plenty more “you’re not in Kentucky anymore” moments in store. Although the word “museum” is right there in its name, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum felt much more like a zoo. We navigated winding paths through desert plant life and animals with a tour guide, who taught us tidbits about our surroundings that, on our own, we would have passed right by. For instance, at one point he led us up to a bush and instructed us to pluck some leaves off, cup them in our hands