Courier January Courier | Page 20

TOURISM CARES 2015 scholarship students pose with several mentors Travel Exchange in New Orleans. Mentoring with Tourism Cares BY ELLAINE DEEKEN YOU REMEMBER that feeling. You face the big room of strangers, a plate of food in hand, looking for a place to sit. No, it’s not the high school cafeteria. It’s your first travel conference, and you’re the new kid. You don’t know a single person because you’re just starting out in the industry, and you’re hoping that you’ll meet someone who can show you the ropes at Travel Exchange—and beyond. If you’re lucky, you’ve had at least one good mentor in your life who has encouraged and guided you during your career. In this day and age, finding a mentor isn’t easy: Travel professionals are busy and constantly on the go; it can be difficult for both mentors and mentees to carve out the time; and of course the mentors with the most to offer always seem to be the busiest! Fortunately, Tourism Cares students have an opportunity to shadow the wise veterans of the industry at Travel Exchange. The Bruce Beckham Scholarship Fund NTA Mentoring Program exposes college students to the wide range of career opportunities available in the travel, tourism, and hospitality industries by helping them establish professional networks. This year, 16 eager scholarship winners will be assigned a mentor who they will shadow during business appointments at the conference. “I would love to learn more about the day-to-day activities of professionals in the hospitality field,” says 2017 mentee Jordan Bacon. “I hope to improve my communication and networking skills as well.” While the majority of the students are fresh out of school, not all of them Students shadow mentors during business appointments at Travel Exchange. 16 January 2017 are just starting out. Eric Paul Noonan is entering his next career after serving in the United States Marine Corps. “I really would like to meet someone in the industry that would not mind mentoring an older man who happens to be trying to achieve his lifelong dream.” What do mentors get out of it? “There’s something exciting about seeing NTA’s Travel Exchange through the eyes of someone new to the event,” says Kevin Murphy, general manager of Sports Leisure Vacations. “There is nothing more rewarding than seeing that student later in life working in the industry.” Julie Kozikowski of Destinations Unlimited is one of those students who has become a mentor. She is a past scholarship winner and says that her participation in the mentoring program changed the course of her career. “I volunteer each year to pay it forward to the future of our industry.” Students at Travel Exchange will attend appointment sessions and engage in an active student educational panel, as well as join in on the evening networking events. At Monday night’s opening party, this year’s students will be wearing shirts with their school name on them. They’ll face the big group of strangers … a plate of food in hand … looking for somewhere to sit. Even if you haven’t signed up to mentor, you can be that friendly face. Pay it forward. If you want to be a mentor and be matched with students, it’s not too late; email [email protected].