Courier January Courier | Page 14




Investments in travel technology

THE U . S . GOVERNMENT has always played an integral role in the development of emerging technologies , especially those that affect travel . From Thomas Jefferson sending Lewis and Clark to explore westward , to the creation of the Internet , the federal government — through investments , grants , research or its purchasing power — has had a hand in innovations that changed the travel industry .
It is important to note the Obama administration ’ s commitment to technology . In 2015 , its Smart Cities Initiative called for an investment of $ 45 million in federal research towards safety , transportation , energy and the environment . The administration announced an additional $ 80 million for the initiative in 2016 , focusing on improving urban transportation , testing connected and autonomous vehicles , forming coalitions to build cleaner communities , and improving travel efficiency and safety .
Other areas of government are also focused on technology and standards that improve travel . Following a recommendation by the 9 / 11 Commission , Congress passed the REAL ID Act , which established a minimum security standard for state-issued driver ’ s licenses and identification cards . States have made considerable progress in meeting these standards , thus making travel throughout the U . S . safer and more secure .
Another key technological investment that has increased travel safety is the Visa Waiver Program . The VWP enables citizens of participating countries to spend 90 or fewer days in the U . S . for tourism or business without obtaining a visa . Since its inception in 1986 , the program has evolved into a comprehensive security partnership with many of America ’ s closest allies .
Smart Security , a joint program between the Airports Council International and the International Air Transport Association , sets a longer-term vision . The goal is that passengers will be able to enjoy strengthened security and an improved experience as they proceed through security checkpoints with minimal inconvenience .
Although the Trump administration has released few detailed policy plans , the president-elect has stated that he wants to “ build the next generation of roads , bridges , railways , tunnels , seaports and airports .” By his side will be former U . S . Labor Secretary Elaine Chao , who Trump nominated to be the next secretary of transportation . Chao has praised Trump ’ s promise to transform the country ’ s infrastructure , accelerate economic growth and productivity , and create good-paying jobs .
Another key member of the incoming administration is Wilbur Ross , a prominent investor with decades of business experience and a deep understanding of the economy . Nominated to be secretary of commerce , Ross would oversee an agency that ’ s important to the travel industry . Serving as deputy secretary will be Todd Ricketts , the owner of the World Series-winning Chicago Cubs , who recognizes the importance of tourism . Kelly Craighead is another important leader in the Commerce Department . Her position , deputy assistant secretary for travel and tourism , was elevated last month to the deputy level .
The combination of investment experience and appreciation for tourism at the top levels of the Commerce Department presents a unique opportunity for the travel sector to play an important role in federal governance and strategy within the new administration .
The U . S . has come a long way since it first sent explorers into uncharted territory , and despite partisan lines and political bickering , its innovation and investment in travel will continue . Safety systems will improve , infrastructure will continue to change and advance , and the nation , with the help of its government , will continue its exploration of technology and investment in the travel arena .
Signal Group ( formerly McBee Strategic ), is a Washington , D . C ., lobbying firm retained by NTA to advise members about travel-related issues and legislation .
10 January 2017