Courier January Courier | Page 10

VOICES OF LEADERSHIP Pam Inman President 101 Prosperous Place, Suite 350 Lexington, KY 40509 USA +1.859.264.6551 [email protected] HAPPY NEW YEAR! And what a year it will be. We don’t know what to expect from U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and his new administration after the Jan. 20 inauguration. All indications are that it won’t be politics as usual. We also don’t know what opportunities that’ll bring to the table for tourism, but we do know that we’ll be ready to work with them at every turn. I need your help, though, and I want you to be involved. How do you do that? Be a part of Destination Capitol Hill March 28–29 in Washington, D.C. Join your NTA colleagues, along with those from our U.S. Travel and Destination Marketing Association International partners, when we go to Capitol Hill to talk with policymakers and their staffs about the issues important to us. Visit to get signed up. The events for the 2016 U.S.-China Tourism Year ended with an impressive ceremony at Warner Theatre in Washington, D.C. NTA Board members Jodi Danyluk of Norwegian Cruise Line and Chris Babb from The Group Tour Company joined Catherine Prather and me from the NTA staff to hear from Max Baucus, U.S. ambassador to China; Li Jinzao, chairman of the China National Tourism Administration; and Kelly Craighead, executive director of the U.S. National Travel and Tourism Office. With the U.S.-China Tourism Year behind us, I want to let you know that our good friend Haybina Hao is stepping Where in the World is ? While Pam doesn’t always use the cover of Courier to map out her next vacation, the November issue she read en route to Hawaii hit home at the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument. 6 January 2017 down as NTA’s vice president of international development to assess her career and professional goals. She takes with her our support and gratitude. During Haybina’s nearly seven years with NTA, her remarkable skill and energy led our association to a position of prominence in the China-U.S. market. Her can-do attitude and pleasant personality have also made her a much-loved colleague here at NTA headquarters, with our members and throughout the industry. Haybina will leave big shoes to fill, but her replacement will be stepping onto a solid foundation. Registration in the NTA China Inbound Program is at an all-time high—now numbering 219 tour operators­—and our relationships with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the CNTA are stronger than ever. At the end of 2016, I followed the advice of U.S. Travel’s Project: Time Off campaign; my time off included a cruise around the Hawaiian Islands. As incredible as the scenery is, the highlight for me was visiting the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument and remembering all who sacrificed for us at Pearl Harbor so that we can enjoy the freedom we have. My best for a great 2017!