County Golfer Magazine County Golfer Magazine 2018 Spring | Page 37

Entering the Pro Sop we had a warm welcome from Claire who has been at the club for 15 years now. We were kitted out with scorecards, water and the customary chocolate bar to replenish lost energy. The sky was looking ominously dark as we eagerly set off. As there was a two ball waiting to tee off after us we did the gentlemanly thing and let them through. That lull should have allowed us time to take a breather and capitalize on our good drives. I did get to walk over the bridge though and was happy to see my ball on the fairway. All three of us got off well at the first with high hopes of beating the Bulwell Forest scores. As I didn’t play there I was on a winner, anything under 100 and the honours were mine. My second shot was not long enough as I under clubbed leaving me short and having to decide which club to use to get onto the green. I needn’t have bothered because again I fell short. Lefty took the Tiger line over the trees and declared that “he had deliberately left it short of the ditch”. He’s full of rubbish like that. I say that with confidence because he lost his ball on the next shot. Then I looked for the camera to take a photograph and realized I’d left it on the floor outside the clubhouse, so off Lefty drove at speed to get it. I’ve realized, the more I think about the shot the worse I hit the ball. But I was pleased to come off with a 5. Newby went off to the left and into the trees and then had to get back to the green and came off with a six. Three perfectly achievable pars ruined. That’s golf for you. 37