County Commission | The Magazine October 2017 | Page 27
As an ACCA officer, Money
said he intends to do everything he
can to continue to strengthen unity
among counties, noting that the
expanded, 67-member Legislative
Committee is an important step
in that direction. Nowhere is the
importance of unity more clear than
in the ongoing quest to increase
funding for local roads and bridges.
He predicted that at some
point in the future, perhaps in
2019, counties will have another
transportation funding proposal to
consider. When that time comes,
“what we cannot afford to do is look
at it and say ‘Is this the best for my
county?’,” Money said. “We will
never have a piece of legislation that
everybody’s going to say ‘That’s the
best thing we could hope for.’”
Instead, the goal needs to be
the best piece of legislation that has
a chance of becoming law. “I don’t
care how we write it, if it can’t pass
we are wasting our time,” he said.
Money also expressed interest in
Money said with a chuckle. “He can
reaching out to counties that could
be polarizing. Some people love him
get more benefit from Association
and some people don’t love him so
services. As the first probate judge/
much. But I know one thing, you
chairman in
want him
many years
“Being around Sonny Brasfield, on your side
to serve as an
rather than
ACCA officer,
against you.”
he also wants
commissioners and the staff
to enhance
the years, it
that’s been assembled,” he said, is ACCA’s
the positive
strong points
“it makes me want to be a
that have
with the
probate judge’s
better public servant.”
him to take
on greater responsibility, he said. A
“There is a feeling among some
line that Jack Nicholson delivered to
that the Alabama Probate Judges
Helen Hunt in “As Good as It Gets”
Association and ACCA have a
helped him find just the right words
completely adversarial relationship,
and that’s not true,” Money observed. to explain.
“Being around Sonny Brasfield,
As an organization, ACCA has
members of that board, fellow
real strengths to draw on, in the
commissioners and the staff that’s
areas of leadership, commitment and
been assembled,” he said, “it
hard work, he said. “I refer to Sonny
makes me want to be a better
(Brasfield, executive director) as the
public servant.” n
Nick Saban of county government,”