County Commission | The Magazine November 2019 | Page 24

FROM THE COVER Liability Fund gives Safety Awards T he safety awards presented by the Liability Self-Insurance Fund Inc. are always a highlight of the annual membership meeting of ACCA’s Self-Insurance Programs. “It is a real pleasure to recognize these counties for the results of their safety efforts,” said Henry van Arcken, ACCA Director of Insurance Services. “Every member of the Fund owes them a debt of gratitude, because when risks are shared, savings are also shared.” In each category, first-place winners received an engraved trophy and $1,500. Second- and third-place winners received $1,000. Eligibility was limited to counties in the Fund that participated in the Safety Incentive Discount Program and applied for consideration. Applications included specific actions taken in the previous year to improve safety and reduce losses. The winners were eligible counties with the lowest average loss ratios for the previous three years. The winning counties all indicated a commitment to doing safety basics well — safety meetings, vehicle inspections and training relevant to specific employees (e.g., Prison Rape Elimination Act education for jail staff and pipeline safety for the highway department). They seek to cooperate with the risk management team from County Risk Services Inc., and they are constantly improving county facilities — adding an attic barrier to prevent movement beyond secure areas of the jail, upgrading doors with panic bar exits instead of regular keyed locks and installing ADA-compliant walkways, just to name a few. Cybersecurity is a growing area of emphasis, evidenced by improved systems for backing up data, enhanced security for computer servers, upgraded security software and newly established, ongoing training for county employees. There are times when outsourcing is the best way to go — like Pickens County, which recently contracted with a private company to handle garbage collection in the county. County leaders know they must stay alert to spot the next initiative that can make a difference systemically. In Elmore County, the Highway Department spent the past year completing the state’s first local road safety plan, which is designed to reduce fatalities on county roads and create a model for other counties. n One free, easy call or online request gets member utilities marked AND helps protect you from injury and expense. Safe Digging Is No Accident: Contact 811 Before You Dig. 24 | NOVEMBER 2019