County Commission | The Magazine November 2019 | Page 16

FROM THE COVER ACCA honors Shelby County’s Dudchock D uring his three decades of service, Alex Dudchock has helped Shelby County move from the brink of bankruptcy to pioneer innovative programs, all while coping with a nonstop population boom. “The scope and impact of his accomplishments are impossible to measure,” said Jay Thompson, chair of the ACCA Awards Committee, before presenting Dudchock with the Outstanding Contribution to County ACCA President David Money joined a happy delegation Government award at from Shelby County to congratulate Alex Dudchock for his ACCA’s 2019 Annual recognition. Pictured, from left to right: Hub Harvey, Chad Convention. “He has Scroggins, Money, Kim Reynolds, Dudchock, Cheryl Naugher displayed steadfast and Randy Cole. leadership through seasons of tremendous growth and tough fiscal liabilities for more than • Wrote the civil service act 30 years in county government.” passed by the Alabama Each year, the Association Legislature; bestows the Outstanding • Led five major public water Contribution to County system projects; Government Award as a way of • Assisted with more than 300 honoring individuals who have new public facility investments exceeded expectations to the or upgrades and 11 major significant benefit of all 67 counties. highway, bridge and intersection More than merely doing their jobs improvements; well, recipients have made a lasting • Successfully advocated to reform and transformative impact on state budget procedures so that county government. dollars generated by the state Dudchock began his career at parks stay in the park system; Shelby County in 1988 as personnel • Served as a founding board director, and he has shouldered the member for Shelby County responsibilities of county manager Community Corrections. since 1993. About 30 years ago, Shelby During the awards ceremony, County was in a tenuous financial Thompson listed a few of position with bankruptcy on the Dudchock’s accomplishments: horizon. Dudchock was a key 16 | NOVEMBER 2019 Outstanding Contribution to County Government 2019 presented to Alex Dudchock County Manager, Shelby County player in the campaign to establish a temporary penny sales tax to stabilize finances. When the debt was repaid in less than 10 years, there was pressure to continue the sales tax, but Dudchock insisted that stopping the tax was necessary to build and maintain public trust. Over the years, he has also established a track record of working collaboratively with municipalities, state agencies and local leaders. Dudchock’s community involvement is also exemplary, perhaps best demonstrated by his role in creating a special day to honor senior citizens that has been observed for more than 15 years. n